Donations to Junction 142

Junction 142 operates with Volunteer Labour, and the income from weekly markets and Op Shop (Sweet Charity). There are no regular grants from Government, nor any other Body, although from time to time, grants have been received for specific purposes. The activities rely heavily on the generosity of our community.
The various areas of support are managed by people willing to give their time and expertise to those less fortunate – often working gratis 50 or 60 hours a month in addition to their normal workaday life.
Although we receive “rescued food” from local businesses, and donations of clothing, etc from time to time, nevertheless the cost of providing our services (meals, hampers, shower, laundry, clothing, personal hygiene needs, sleeping bags, tents, etc) is very high.
Perhaps you can feel it in your heart to assist us. Below is a list of regular costs for your information.
Donations over $2 are Tax Deductible.
What your small or generous donation can be used for…

Will provide socks or jocks!

…can purchase a pair of work boots!

…will buy a pair of sneakers (Many of our clientele go barefoot or squeeze into ill-fitting shoes)

…could provide a warm waterproof jacket OR 2 sleeping bags OR a small tent!

…will buy trackies or shirts.

…would fill our van with fuel for Food Pick-ups & deliveries;
OR pay Sydney Water for one month – shower, laundry, food prep, etc

…will buy a hoodie or a jumper!

…could buy requisites for Shower & Laundry – detergent, toiletries, cleaning, etc;
OR pay the monthly gas bill (Cooking, Hot Water & Heating);
OR allow us to employ a professional cleaner each week

…will pay the Power bill for one month!

…minor on-going maintenance costs of our aged buildings.

…would assist in giving a small remuneration to the Co-ordinators of the Food Services and Shower & Laundry Service for their many many hours of time & expertise..
Next Level Donations
Contact us if you would like to discuss donation of the following REALLY generous gifts:

… would allow us to build ramps for disabled access!

.. would allow us to upgrade the toilets for the Church and Hall!

… would allow us to replace the roof of the Hall which is suffering from nearly a century of pigeon occupation!
Donate to Junction 142 and help us to provide our services to the community. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Junction 142 is an activity of Leura Uniting Church and the Community.
ABN: 64 978 960 724