Junction 142 Board
John Cox | Chair
Kerry Jordan | Treasurer
Stephen White | Secretary & Policy and Procedures
Paul Cameron | Chair of Church; Council Leura Uniting Church
Rev. Myung Hwa Park | Minister Leura Uniting Church
Narelle Wheatland | Funding and submissions Officer
Annie Cox | Creative Spaces Manager
Tina Napier | Community Engagement
Sami Tatlock | Volunteer Manager
Suzie van Opdorp | Community Representative
Part time Staff Observers at Board meetings
Pamela Silsbey | Minutes Secretary
Stephen Bradley | Shower and Laundry Services. Branding Manager
Rachel Perkins | Sweet Charity Op- Shop Manager.
Donate to Junction 142 and help us to provide our services to the community. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Junction 142 is an activity of Leura Uniting Church and the Community.
ABN: 64 978 960 724